Part 136: Let's Learn Jobs: Pirate
Let's Learn Jobs: Pirate
Need to blow a man down, or cleave a monster in two? Bring in the pirate crew. They hit with a power at odds with their cutie pie outfits (as usual, shown below).
Pirate is a successor to FF3's Viking, the main difference being that Vikings have more in the way of defense while Pirates have more offense and speed. Pirate also incorporates a watered down version of the FF Berserker's signature ability.

The job icons are often hats. To be fair, they are decent hats. Job Command icon is an anchor, the symbolic amount of force the Pirate will throw upon your opponents in a single hit.

According to Bravely Default, pirates are idiots. Also, they've taken all their points out of dex and dumped them into str. They are unable to comprehend sophisticated weaponry like katanas, bows, and anything magic-related.
Anyway, hit things good with axe (or possibly sword), no use brain. Might want to throw on an accessory or ability to boost accuracy.

Blue are support abilities, red are skill abilities.
Level 1 - Double Damage: Attack dealing 200% damage. (1/4 total MP)
Level 2 - Provoke: Greatly increase chance of being targeted by opponents.
Level 3 - Shell Split: Attack which reduces target's physical defense by 25% for 4 turns. (9 MP)
Level 4 - Scale Strip: Attack which reduces target's magic defense by 25% for 4 turns. (9 MP)
Level 5 - Shin Smash: Attack which reduces target's speed by 25% for 4 turns. (9 MP)
Level 6 - Mass Attack: When user attacks, HP critical party members perform an attack too. (1 BP)
Level 7 - Berserk: Physical attack raises 50% and user does nothing but attack for next six turns.
Level 8 - Adrenaline Rush: Allows other jobs to equip the Pirate specialty. (Cost: 2)
Level 9 - Physical Attack 20% Up (Cost: 2)
Level 10 - Defang: Attack which reduces target's physical attack by 25% for 4 turns. (9 MP)
Level 11 - Skull Bash: Attack which reduces target's magic attack by 25% for 4 turns. (9 MP)
Level 12 - Axe Lore: Allows other jobs to have S-proficiency with axes. (Cost: 1)
Level 13 - Torrent: Deal up to 16 physical water attacks, each doing 30% damage, on a target. (2 BP)
Level 14 - Amped Strike: Attack dealing 400% damage. (1/2 total MP)
The highlight of pirate is having the widest range of debuffs available. But if you just want the most straightforward, simple physical damage possible, Amped Strike is there for you, at least until you blow through your MP.

This is possibly a nice bonus for a strategy involving putting your characters in HP critical regularly, but it still may not justify using up two slots.
Our game's version of piracy is based on the Golden Age of Piracy, which took place in the 1600-1700s and was popularized in the modern age by Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, as well as other works ranging from Treasure Island to Monkey Island. The gear is rooted in 17th/18th century British fashion, with the focal point being stylized tricorne hats and coats based off those worn by Britain's Royal Navy, worn open with no shirt because manliness for the men or tailored jackets with practical petticoats for the women.
The job's drop in accuracy is explained by the addition of cosmetic eyepatches decorated with cute skulls for the men and hearts for the women. For the finishing touch, a Sanrio-esque, in-love, eye-patch-wearing version of the infamous pirate emblem Jolly Roger is displayed on the women's hats.